Infants to seven years old. Baptisms are held on the first Sunday of the month at the Chapel of the Resurrection and on the second Sunday of the month at Saint Charles Church, no Baptisms are held during the month of August. Parents of the child must be registered members of Saint Charles or the Chapel of the Resurrection who attend Mass regularly.
Parents need to pick up a packet for Baptism at St. Charles at least two months prior to the month they wish to have the child Baptized.
At least one of the Godparents must be a practicing Catholic. If the Godparent isn’t a registered member of the Chapel or of St. Charles s/he must have the form that is in Baptism packet filled out at her/his church and the seal of the church must be stamped on the form.
At a specified day and time the month before the child is to be baptized the parents and Godparents must attend a preparation session which will be held at Saint Charles.
For children over seven, teenagers and adults see RCIA, RCIT, or RCIC.
Baptized children who are in the third grade receive their First Holy Communion on the first Sunday of May. The child and his/her parents must attend Mass regularly at the Chapel of the Resurrection or St. Charles. If the child attends St. Charles School they are prepared in the school, if the child goes to a public or private school s/he must attend Sunday school at either the Chapel of the Resurrection or at St. Charles for at least two years. Sunday School is held at the Chapel at 8:00AM and at St. Charles after the 10:00AM Mass each Sunday.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is received by students who are in the tenth grade, after a year’s preparation. The students and their parents must attend Mass regularly. They begin their preparation on the First Sunday of Advent when they are in the Eighth grade. The preparation for all candidates is done at St. Charles after the 10:00AM Mass.
Children who have been baptized and are in the third grade who are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion receive Reconciliation/Penance a few months before their First Holy Communion.
Priests are available for Reconciliation on Saturdays from 5:00 – 5:20PM, or by appointment.
A person receives the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick when they are seriously ill, or before surgery. A family member or the person should ask if there is a Catholic Chaplin in the hospital to administer the sacrament or call the rectory 212-281-2100 to request a priest to go to the hospital or home.
Couples planning to be married at the Chapel of the Resurrection or St. Charles need to make arrangements with the pastor at least six months in advance of their marriage.
When a loved one dies the family needs to contact the Funeral Home that will be taking care of the arrangements, the Funeral Director will contact the church. The family will need to come to the parish office to receive a packet that contains readings, hymns and an outline of the Funeral Service. The office staff is available to assist the family is planning for the Funeral Service.
This is a process for any adult who is not a Catholic who is interested in learning about the Catholic Church, its teachings and traditions. It is also for any baptized Catholic who has not received their First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. It is an enrichment process for adult Catholics. The process begins in September and ends on the feast of Pentecost. For information contact Deacon Hodge at 347-292-7766, or email
Is the same process as RCIA but for teenagers.
Is a modified process of RCIA for children eight and older.